Technical indicators can be used to identify both range and trend in the market.
- Range-bound indicators are those that help traders identify when the market is in a period of consolidation and price is moving within a well-defined range. These indicators are typically used by traders who are looking to buy low and sell high within the defined range. Examples of range-bound indicators include Bollinger Bands and the Keltner Channel.
- Trend-following indicators, on the other hand, are used to identify the direction of the market trend and to help traders determine when to enter or exit a trade. These indicators are typically used by traders who are looking to capitalize on long-term market moves. Examples of trend-following indicators include moving averages, and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)
It's important to note that while technical indicators can be useful in identifying range and trend, they should not be relied upon solely for investment decisions. Other factors such as fundamentals, macroeconomic data, and market sentiment should also be taken into consideration.